Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Joining a HOG Chapter

I guess I'm gonna have to join HOG.

According to Jake Zinsli, who writes for Royal Purple, the campus newspaper of University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, HOG members get treated like royalty...

The purchase of a Harley is also the membership to an exclusive club. I know that sounds like buying friends, but some college kids are more used to that than other. When you're a H.O.G. member, (Harley Owners Group), you get all the treatments of royalty. There are no VIP members, everyone get the same benefits.
And to think that all these years, I've been getted treated like shit.


  1. I kind of get the idea you're being sarcastic here, so I'm not sure saying this is worth it, but here goes...

    HOG is like any other organization. Since the members are drawn from the less-than-perfect human pool, there are going to be nice people and some jerks. I also believe you get back only what you're willing to contribute.

    I'm coming up on a year with the Blackstone Valley Chapter, #4735. In that short time, I've had more fun than I can describe. I've met loads of cool people, other people I now can't imagine not knowing, and almost nobody I didn't like.

    I don't know about being treated like royalty, but when a dozen Blackstone members who'd I'd only known for barely two months surrounded my hospital bed last September, it felt pretty damned good to me.

    I do know that when you're part of a group that has a reputation for putting on safe, fun, well organized rides with great after-parties, you get a lot of respect from other clubs. I'm proud to wear that rocker, and proud of the friends I've earned by being a good rider and a decent human being.

    HOG dues and two bucks will get you coffee. Friendship and respect requires a hell of a lot more than that.

  2. I'm being totally sarcastic. And yes, each HOG chapter is whatever the members make of it.

  3. I don't see anywhere that Jake has a Harley or is a member of HOG. So I don't think he is doing anything other than being a college kid writing about something he has no experience with.
    Steve, I can't figure out why anyone would treat you like anything other than royalty.


About Steve

A vagabond who hauls a motorcycle around the country in a toy hauler, earning a living as a website developer. Can often be found where there's free Wi-Fi, craft beer, and/or public nudity. (Read more...)